Aug. 10, 2020
HARRISBURG - While recognizing the need to support all schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, state Rep. Jim Rigby (R-Johnstown) wants to especially acknowledge the recent financial support given to career and technical education (CTE) by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
“Skilled trades remain the most difficult lines of work to fill in our country, despite the critical need for them and the fact that CTE graduates enter the job market with little if any debt and a good starting salary,” said Rigby. “Pennsylvania has more than 80 CTE centers and I’m glad to see them - especially our two local schools - be recognized for what they do and the role they play in our society.”
Both Admiral Peary Area Vocational Technical School ($55,511) and the Greater Johnstown Career and Technical Center ($70,108) are being awarded grants through the CARES Act to deal with public health and safety plans that will allow them to open their doors. The funding supports effective continuity of education programs, such as summer and other expanded programming, and industry credential assessments for students enrolled in career and technical centers negatively impacted by COVID-19 mitigation efforts.
“Many of the jobs students enrolled in CTE will take on involve critical aspects of our societal infrastructure, such as keeping vehicles on the road, building and maintaining homes…jobs we absolutely cannot do without,” Rigby added. “Right now, more people are leaving the trades than are entering them and we need to do all we can to keep the pipeline open to these good-paying, essential employment opportunities.”
The first day of school for students at Greater Johnstown CTC is Wednesday, Aug. 26, while Admiral Peary students begin classes Thursday, Aug. 27.
Questions about this or any legislative issue should be directed to Rigby’s district office at 814-536-9818.
Representative Jim Rigby
71st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott B. Little
717.260.6137 (office), 717.497.5967 (cell) /